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Hello, World!

Kadyn Kilbourne

What’s your favorite part of design school?

The friends that I have made

🤍 🤍 🤍

What are the differences between designing for say, a print product, and a digital product?

CMYK vs. RGB, flat vs. layers, or non-interactive vs. interactive

Three things I saw today:
  • Dried paint left out in a craft room
  • A picture of fungi growing on a chili pepper in biology
  • A pokémon card wrapper on the ground
List 5 objects that inspire your aesthetic:
  • Coffee
  • Books
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Comfy Clothes
  • Alanis
My favorite emoji combo: 🫥🦭🥲
When was the last time you saw a digital design in the world that surprised you?

There was a Starbucks website that linked a fun bubble to your mouse that floated around when you moved it which made the website feel more interactive and centered around the user.

What was your earliest design memory?

Tennessee Governors School for the Arts graphic design class was my first introduction to digital design.

How do you define “Interaction Design”?

It is design that people can feel more immersed in because they can cause the design to change while they interact with it.

My Garden: garden.png
Class Exercises: